Electricity Gas


In order to sign up for a My Stream Account, you will need the following:
  • A valid email address
  • Stream account number
  • Last 4 digits of the Social Security Number associated to the account

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You can pay via check, debit or credit card (MasterCard, Visa and Discover). In Georgia, we also accept American Express.

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Fees assessed due to the late payment of an invoice.

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Stream will require a cash, money order or credit card payment of the total unpaid bill. A return check fee will be assessed on your next bill. If there are 2 or more returned checks in the account within a 12 month period, you would no longer be able to pay by check or debit card.

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Simply click here  and choose your state to see our current offers. Have your account information handy in order to make the process fast and easy.

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In order to change your password on MSA, you must first log in using your existing username and password. Once you are logged in, access the “Change Password” link at the top of the My Profile tab.

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If you forget your password for My Stream Account, click the Forgot Password link at the Login box on the MSA home page.

Enter your username, the answer to the security question chosen during registration and a current email address where a confirmation can be sent.  If the security information provided is correct, you will be prompted to creaate a new password.

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If you forget your username for My Stream Account:

  1. Click the Forgot Username link at the Login box on the MSA home page to retrieve your information.
  2. Enter your first and last name and the email chosen during registration.
  3. Choose either option 1 to get your user name in email, or choose option 2 by click “Answer Question” to answer the personal security questions you selected in your profile to get your user name.

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Your personalized My Stream Account provides you with many convenient ways to manage your energy account. Easy access to competitive renewal plans, AutoPay and online payment options, and the ability to view your invoice and payment history are just a few ways this tool helps you plan your budget and simplify your life!

Enroll Here

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At Stream, we have a strict privacy policy and wouldn’t ask you for such personal information if it wasn’t necessary or for your own benefit. We will use this information to determine the need for a deposit. The reason we do our best to get all the information necessary is to do a thorough credit check, and not charge you with a deposit when it is not needed. We also ask for your information so we can make sure it’s really you when you call back to ask questions or make changes to your service.

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Each time you make a payment, you will receive a confirmation number. This number verifies that our system has received your transaction. You can use our self-service tools to verify if your payment is being processed. Just visit Payment History in My Stream Account online or use our automated telephone system.

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Permanently disconnecting your Stream service is easy and convenient. To disconnect your premise please call Customer Service.

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Visit mystream.com/pay to view the payment options available to you.

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The last and final bill for which you will be financially responsible for paying and ensuring you have a zero balance. Failure to make your account current by paying your Final Bill may result in Stream taking further legal and remedial actions toward recovering such expenses incurred by you as a customer. If you wish to have your Final Bill mailed to you at your new address, then please contact Customer Care or make the adjustment online using your My Stream Account at https://myaccount.streamenergy.net/.

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At this time, Stream does not offer promotions or discounted rates for senior citizens.

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